Colin Harper
Newspaper Inspired Post
Best Photos of 2015!
The man drove from location to location in an attempt to gain the perfect shots. His goal was always to capture the greatest moments and flashes within his camera lens. He had worked late nights every night for the past months, and often would not come home, instead opting to stay in hotels closer to where the next event he was to photograph would be held. He hadn't seen his wife or his kids for a week, and when he did see them, it was only for a moment before he was off to work again. He had been trying to capture the prize he had spent years chasing after. An award was given each year to the best photographer in the region, and he had come up just short of winning it each year. He worked tirelessly in an effort to achieve his goal, but he was starting to wonder if the award would be worth the work and the time away from his family. As he was contemplating this, his phone buzzed. He looked down the see "We need to talk" sent to him from his wife. He had been having a feeling that this was coming.
Oh wow. That text packed a punch. Even if he did feel it coming.